My New To-do List App: Twos App


I’ve been testing a new to-do list app for a while now, and I’m hooked on Twos App.

I’ve always had an issue taking notes and to-dos quickly on the go. I’ve been using Drafts App and Todoist as my note-taking and to-do list apps on my phone for a few years now. But sometimes notes turn into todos or I just need to jot down a quick note. Twos is the first app built specifically with this idea in mind and complete functionality to go with it.

I’m not going to give a whole rundown of the App — I recommend checking Tool Finder’s YouTube post for that — but I will highlight a few things that have set it apart and explain why it sits on my iPhone Home Dock.

  1. I can just type a note and decide what to do with it after I get it down. It autodetects to-dos and, with two taps, I can change it to a dash, note, sublist, number, note, bullet, highlight, or other type of text.
  2. Each day, I’m presented with a fresh list. I’m automatically asked if I want to carry over the previous day’s tasks. This helps prevent the infinite todo list (my current Todoist app hovers around 120+ tasks at a given time) and it helps me do daily reviews of the 3 most important tasks. I find it more effective to help me focus.
  3. I’m addicted to gamification. Twos comes with a basic set of features, and as you learn the app, you get coins to purchase specific upgrades. I racked up about 5 upgrades pretty quickly and then found myself exploring the ins and outs of the app. It’s a brilliant idea and makes learning the app fun.
  4. I can select multiple lines and modify them collectively – “star” multiple to dos, send notes to other apps, and add tags to multiple at once. For some reason, this is so hard to do on other apps.
  5. Finally, I can customize my Home Screen. With other to-do list apps, I’m stuck with the default inbox. With Twos, I can see my recent lists, reminders, only my todos, or a weekly review. And I can rearrange it all.

The Mac app syncs intuitively with iOS with one significant benefit: I have several tabs open at the same time, so I can spotlight specific todos, notes, or reviews much more easily.

I’m sure I’ll come up with more use cases later; this is still the first week that I’ve been using it. But one thing is for sure, this is going to change the way I keep track of todos and notes.

For anyone who signs up before Sept 2, 2024, you’ll become an “Original Twoser” (I think I spelled that right), which means free premium upgrades for life. This is not an affiliate link but just a quick video to show more about the program.

P.S. I also appreciate this new trend of app developers giving regular YouTube updates about their productions. Great work, Parker and team!

One response

  1. […] month, I incorporated Twos into my workflow. It’s a great to-do app but I realized I needed a little more versatility in my […]